Te Rangihouhiri began his journey from Whāngārā to Hakurānui to Whakapau Kōrero to Pōporohuamea where he died. Following his death and after many significant battles, his descendants who became known as Ngāi Te Rangi settled in Tauranga Moana.
Ngāi Te Rangi is an iwi of the Mataatua waka whose founding ancestors are Te Rangihouhiri and Tamapahore. |
The hapū and associated marae of Ngāi Te Rangi are:
Te Whānau ā Tauwhao
Rangiwaea, Otāwhiwhi
Ngāi Tukairangi
Whareroa, Hungahungatoroa
Ngāti Kuku
Ngāti Tapu
Ngāi Tamawhariua
Te Rangihouhiri, Te Rereatukahia
Ngāti Hē
Ngāti Tauaiti
Ngāi Tuwhiwhia
Te Ngare
Ngā Pōtiki
Tahuwhakatiki, Tamapahore
The rohe of Ngāi Te Rangi comprises the lands and waters of Tauranga Moana. The rohe runs from Ngā Kurī ā Whārei in the north to Mount Te Aroha then along the Kaimai ranges to Puwhenua, Otānewainuku, Otawa to Te Tumu in the South.
The rohe of Ngāi Te Rangi includes:
The rohe of Ngāi Te Rangi includes:
- The islands of Motiti, Matakana, Rangiwaea, Motuhoa, Tuhua, Motuotau, Moturiki and Kārewa and the surrounding coastal marine area;
- Te Moana ā Toi being the coastal waters of the Bay of Plenty;
- Tauranga harbour and its associated channels and waterways.
Iwi Profile
The following statistics were provided by NZ Statistics’ according to the 2013 Census on Ngāi Te Rangi.
Population12,924 people, or 1.9 percent of the total population of Māori descent, affiliated with Ngāi Te Rangi, an increase from 12,198 people in 2006.
Education71.6 percent of Ngāi Te Rangi aged 15 years and over held a formal qualification in 2013.
Te Reo Māori SpeakersIn 2013, 33.1 percent of the Ngāi Te Rangi population could converse about everyday things in Te Reo Māori, 28.7 percent of those who could hold a conversation about everyday things in Te reo Māori were aged under 15 years. 63.1 percent were aged 15–64 years, and 8.2 percent were aged 65 years and over.
For further information and statistics relating to Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi, view the NZ Statistics 2013 Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi Profile here. |